Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Word of the Day: Cansado

I have been asked to write about the mundane and so I will do my best.

I am way too tired for it to only be 8:00pm, but after all the walking I did today it's to be expected. We took the bus this morning again and all went as planned until our afternoon lectures were "canceled" and rescheduled for tomorrow. This left the entire afternoon to do whatever, but again with it being so hard to communicate once the group separates it was mostly chaos for a few minutes. Eventually we split up into two groups and 5 of us went to lunch. Brazilian food is good. It's not too much different than the food here, but the eating experience is. It is much more laid back and they don't rush you out. People sit and chat and then a random band comes around from off the street playing and asking for money. As go-go-go as the city is, people still seem to feel no rush.

So after that it was one walking adventure after the other, the beach, some malls, and then trying to get home. I don't think I was on the right bus but I know enough Portuguese now to ask for directions and understand them. Not really in a hurry to get home other than the fact that its dark out. There isn't much to do here. Miss Sonia speaks no English and the other student isn't here that often. SOOOO it's boring. But this place is nice. I have a large room, larger than I think either of my rooms are in America. And Sonia is cool when we understand each other. Hopefully soon the group will find a way to hang out because once you're in the house you're kind of stuck. But we have lots of activities planned that will soon be underway.

Two lectures tomorrow and a company visit on Thursday should keep us busy. And on Saturday we are apparently taking a tour of the 'hood. And I mean that very literally, I don't understand why it's a tourist attraction or why they allow us to come and view their poverty and take pics....then leave to our nice houses that have water and electricity. I also wonder about the $50 that we have to pay to go??

And cansado means tired.


  1. See to us the mundane is interesting. Are you in Rio? Can you see the Christ the Redeemer statue from where you are? What is the predominent religion there? Brazil sounds like my kind of place... laid back and fast... :)

  2. This is from Gilbert, Angelica and the boyz. I'm posting for them because they couldn't figure it out. Score 1 for me!!

    "I didn't know you were down in Brazil until 2 minutes ago! Angelica got the email. I'm so happy for you & proud of you I don't know what to say. At any rate, have a wonderful time down there and soak up all you can. I can't wait to see your pictures. Just don't get one of those Brazilian bathing suits! Your parents will faint & I'll just feel awkward...Uncle Gilbert Oooooh, your uncle is so jealous, you beat him to Brazil. I think if you bring him back a cute native w/ a brazilian bathing suit...he'll get over his jealousy!:-) We pray for your safety whil traveling, please be aware, but have LOTS of FUN!! We love you Brown Brie!!...Angelica and boyz
